The Social opinion poll presents multiple choice opinion questions to its users and lets them voice their opinion. These way users can update themselves with the ongoing trends and the mindset of the nation and at the same time the database can be put to productive use by corporate as the surveys provide an insight into the mindset of the Indian Youth. A user is allowed to answer a maximum of 3 questions in a day and the theme may vary for different users. The average respondent size for the tech survey is 25,000-40,000. Following is a sample of the data which was collected using Pulse of the Nation polls. *38% search for online reviews before buying any gadget *43% believe that Google is India’s most trusted technology brand *52% use Instant Messaging apps over SMS *58% prefer Android Smartphones over other platforms *61% access social networks including Facebook and Twitter on their smartphones To use this service is quite simple and hazel free. Just download the Nimbuzz for free from your App store. After you sign in follow the following steps Step 1: Select the N-World from the menu Step 2: Check for Pulse of the Nation option (with National Flag as image), if you can’t locate it, check is “What’s New” section. Step 3: Click on the “Pulse of the Nation Buddy” and then tap on “Add” option. Now you can easily find Pulse of the Nation Buddy in your Nimbuzz contact list. You can reply with 4 options ANS – To answer questions. PULSE– To view the pulse of the Nation. SUB – To start receiving question of the day. UNSUB – To stop receiving question of the day This is a smart and innovative move by Nimbuzz to make use of the social platform which is fast replacing the traditional SMS features. The polls on breaking news have shown enthusiastic response from the youth, which also indicates the desire among them to get heard and voice their opinion. The “Pulse of the Nation” feature is productive, smart and entertaining.